Injury Law Firm
Serving The Villages
The Wrongful Death of a 70-year-old resident of The Villages occurred when a sport utility vehicle struck and killed the man while he crossed a Titusville street. He was visiting the Space Coast to see the launch of space shuttle Endeavour, which never launched due to technical difficulties.
According to Orlando reports, the man was hit, just before noon, by a 2002 Honda CRV. Investigators said that pedestrians were packed into the area and cars were parked on both sides of the four-lane highway where the accident occurred.
Police supposedly said the man was not in a crosswalk when he was hit. He was flown to Holmes Regional Medical Center where he was pronounced dead around 5 p.m.
An investigation into the crash is still underway and charges are pending against the driver. Alleged skid mark lengths at the scene indicate that speed may have been a factor that caused the collision.
Federal statistics show speed as a causal factor in one out of every three fatal car crashes. According to government statistics, the probability of death, disfigurement or debilitating injury doubles for every 10 mph over 50 mph. Speeding can reduce a driver’s capability to maneuver securely around curves or objects in the roadway as well as lengthen the distance necessary to stop a vehicle in a crisis.
The severity of a motor vehicle crash increases with speed. Likewise, the effectiveness of automobile restraint devices and safety precautions, like air bags and seat belts weaken with amplified speed. Many drivers fail to see the grave dangers speeding creates. To many Florida drivers, accelerating speed to a few miles an hour over the speed limit is a suitable gamble, thinking the worst result could be a speeding ticket. However, the facts are crystal clear-driving too fast for certain settings or operating a vehicle excessively over the speed limit can kill you and others.
If you or someone you care for has been hurt or killed in an auto accident, contact The Villages Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorneys at the Law Offices of Whittel & Melton, LLC online or call 352-369-5334.